Was I really dumb enough to buy not one or two, but multiple items from a place called Conns? At the start of this journey, Adam and I had 3 Conns accounts for various items. In the past we have purchased from them many times, the first was a 19” TV when I was 18. How exciting, my very first financed purchase on my own. So proud, I actually still have that TV, somewhere… I can’t say that Conns has been bad to me, but man if you don’t make the payment on or before the day it’s due when they open they are calling you nonstop all day. Seriously I have never been late with them in 10 years and I have purchased many items from them yet the feel it’s necessary to harass me the day a bill is due. That’s why they were #1 2 and 11 on our list. Not only because we have paid them down, but because just seeing that number come across my caller ID is enough for the nervous twitch in my eye to kick in. No I don’t want to set up a payment over the phone, I would like to go by the store wade through the used car salesman rejects and physically hand over my payment coupon and payment. I like that feeling. I love to have a receipt in my hand with the payoff; I don’t like being pressured into paying over the phone. We have one more account with them which was in the number 11 spot but has moved up to #1, and the payment was due yesterday, which I didn’t have time to pay on my way home from work. With the fear of the nonstop phone calls escalating, I ran in on my lunch break and paid three payments. HA! I was pleased with myself that I had outsmarted them and hadn’t even gotten one phone call, which was odd. Then as I was walking out, smug grin on my face, I remembered that they only have Adam’s cell for that account.
Ha! Love it! You're doing great, girl!